All the windows have been thrown open, birds are in a frenzy, and my apartment is cleaner than it has been in weeks. It's been so nice to be home for a whole day and a half!
I managed to catch two shows this week: Metric and Mumford and Sons. The two couldn't be more different, but they each held their own.
I saw Metric just last year and was blown away by the energy of Emily Haines, who hopped, kicked, lunged, and rocked out the entire time. On top the energy, she was wearing a silver sequined dress that basically sealed my love of all things sparkly (you had better believe that if I ever find a dress like that, it will be mine). This week's show was still great, but it had a completely different energy than the last time I saw them. Quite frankly, they look exhausted. The talked exhausted. They skipped the encore hoopla and played another song (more bands need to do this!) before exiting the stage. In a way, I respected them more for this. They played an acoustic version of Combat Baby that, to me, fit the night more than anything they did.
(*Side note: I totally watched them make a Starbucks run at the place right outside my window the next morning. "Oh, look, isn't that Emily Haines...")
Last night's sold out Mumford and Sons show was unique before it even started. People were offering $200 on Craigslist as far back as two weeks ago - and no one was selling. Last night, I had to walk through a desperate crowd, begging to pay me whatever I asked for my ticket. I'm so glad I didn't sell out. The four boys from the U.K. put one a show that easily makes my top 3 of all time. The openers, The Middle East, put on a great opening act and then joined Mumford later in an 11 person hopping, whooping, banging jam session that had everyone in the crowd literally dancing and jumping along. Between songs, the guys were actually really funny and talked quite a bit. They also played two new songs that make me think that their next album is going to be just as stellar as their first. If they are playing within a few hours of you and the show isn't sold out, get a ticket!
In other news, I'm rebranding a local TV station this week. As, starting tomorrow and due to the client on Thursday. Me, the girl who gets zero channels. Our creative director left last week and more work and responsibility has fallen on my plate. Great opportunities and learning experiences are ahead. I'm starting to get a little tired from the constant work and stress, so I'm hoping to make a push through this week and then enjoy an unheard of four (four!) whole days to use as I please. Just. One. More. Week.
Hope it's as sunny there as it is here. Enjoy your Sunday!
Wish you the best during your stressful week, miss! Just. A. Couple. Days. Left
Thank you Miss Liz - you are fantastic :)
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