Saturday, March 7, 2009

It was all a blur

Yikes...two days without writing. Unfortunately, my last entry perfectly illustrates how I've felt the past two days. I feel close to the same today, but I'm fighting through it. I don't know if I'm fighting something off (everyone is sick) or if I'm just tired, but I am out of it.

The warm breeze, open windows, and occasional sunshine have been wonderful. I've even been able to sleep with the windows open for the past two nights. It looks like spring might be close, and I have no complaints.

I'm in an interesting spot with work now. Basically, things have just really slowed down. I am thinking about using the time to do some traveling. I have a few potential places picked out, including some time in a cabin down in Tennessee (for free!). I've had so many people tell me that I should use this time to travel abroad. I can't even begin to say how tempting that is. A little surprise in my bank account just about five minutes ago puts it on the line between tempting and possible. Hmm...

And now, it is 11:40 (or 12:40, thanks to the time change) and music is blaring outside. I just left the gallery hop downtown, which was full of people, art, various kinds of exhaled smoke, lights, and street musicians. I had a really good time and really enjoyed getting lost in the crowd, the conversations, the scarves (yeah hipsters), and the dark. I feel like the last 24 hours have been really good, however tired I may be. There is a new energy in the air, and it has been nice. Now, I'm going to enjoy one more night with the windows open.

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