My update a few nights ago reminded me just how much I've missed this little blog.
In a random chain of events, I was handed two free box seat tickets to see The Flaming Lips. I grabbed my fellow music blogger Blair and we set off for what ended up being quite the show. If you've never been to a F.L. show, I might say that you have not truly seen a show. At least 1/3 of the crowd was in costume, so at one point I found myself between nuns, a penguin, and a fairy. The show included a screen that filled the stage, a giant hamster ball, smoke, streamers, lasers in the crowd, costumes, hype guys, and more confetti than you can imagine (shot out of giant cannons). One of the highlights for me was the little girl sitting in front of me. While I think bringing your three year old to a Lips concert is a horrible idea (those poor little ears!), this kid was awesome. She was totally chill and loved the confetti, showing off a giant smile and laughing.
Saturday was spent volunteering at Independents' Day downtown, which allowed local artists and vendors to play, draw, perform, and sell. I worked the band parking lot, so I got to direct every plaid wearing, ironic side burn sporting, mini-van driving band to their allotted space. From my spot, I was able to hear all of the bands on one stage, so I got to hear some really good music. *side story* Via Twitter, I realized that one girl and I were hitting almost all of the same shows. I made the comment on Friday that we needed to meet up sometime and I kid you not, she is the person I volunteered with on Saturday!*
My volunteer time was followed by an incredible play. Since I help out with a local theater company, I was invited to attend the pre-screening. I plan on writing a more detailed review, but the play was a one man show about "lifer" inmates, victims, and the collision of the two worlds. The white guy who performs all of the roles did an excellent job of capturing each character, from inmate to news reporter, and then bringing them to life. It's also worth noting that he can bust out the Wu Tang clan better than anyone I've seen. At the end, I think we all walked away with more to think about.
Here, about to end a rainy Monday, I am facing a lot of decisions and changes. Soon, I'll be able to talk more about stuff that I haven't been able to on here. Quite frankly, I can't wait. Stay tuned, folks, and have a great evening!
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