Tonight, instead of going to a show at planned (Local Natives, in case you were curious), I sat at home and read the first book the Scott Pilgrim series. Every ounce of nerdgirl in me was thrilled by this. Here I am, book read and ready to fall asleep at 10:30 on a Wednesday night. It's boring. I'll take it.
Tomorrow, I am going to an event that features the city's best restaurants. This event is held in one of the coolest buildings in town and I'm really excited to check it out. The only issue: what do I wear?! And will that outfit allow to eat as much as humanly possibly and still look remotely classy?!
Friday involves an art party. Friday or Saturday. One night is a patron preview and one is an all-out art party with the artists and the city's best DJ's. We'll see how the week plays out...
I decided to take one for the team and volunteered to work an event with my company on Sunday. This involves going back to the lovely hills where I grew up. I'm carpooling with a guy from work that makes me laugh nonstop and I'm taking him on a tour of the town after the event. The accents! The town! It will be a night of many stories, I'm sure.
All of these events happen and I honestly just find myself at them. I rarely aim to attend most of them. I don't have some event wardrobe (more like a closet full of clothing anxiety waiting to happen), high-profile job, or special event budget. I invite people to events, they return the favor. People think I have some glamorous life when really, I am more like the kid lost at the grocery store who wanders into the circus. I'm fortunate, and I love the experiences I am able to have, but I am most happy with my best friend, my oldest jeans, and warm tea. If anyone wants to envy any part of my life, I would think it would be wisest to envy those quiet moments.
Despite the hectic schedule, I've really been able to focus more on my friends and family lately and it's been a nice change. So I miss a few shows. Hanging out with my best friends is better. I spent some time at home over the weekend, got to see my family. I'm hoping for not only a visit to my grandma's, but maybe even a weekend trip (!) soon. Oh, I can only hope.
So much rain here. Perfect night to not. leave. my. house.
*Side note: The circus is in town and they have taken over the lot next my office. You don't even know how tempted I am to sneak in and run away with the circus for a good year. My life may not be complete until I have done this.
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