Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Add a "k" to the end and it's better

Twelve hours and three hundred miles after deciding to make the trip I am now writing from my new office! I am sitting in a new chair, at a new desk in a room that needs desperately to be used. I can listen to my music without disturbing anyone, and I am not cramped into an office/bedroom space that was neither working as an office or a bedroom. I should have done this months ago!

A friend was nice enough to help me put together my office (and saved me about four hours), so I thanked with coffee afterward. Apparently, Tuesday is Mahjong night for a Jewish women's group at the coffee shop near here. I didn't know that Mahjong groups existed, but the place was full.

There is a real art to long trips. When I was in high school I would spend two hours a day driving back and forth to college classes. Since I was "in the hills" the whole time, the only three stations that came in were hip hop, oldies, and country (nope). I know all of the lyrics from all of the hip hop music from those two years, eternally, I think. The key is to switch stations. Today I listened to hip hop until that ran out, and then I switched to the stereotypical "adult alternative" station, where I heard Wish I Was Your Lover, a song I don't even remember, and then the original Hey Jude. After that I found this great station that played songs from the 40's. I felt a little weird because all of the advertisements were for places like the "Sycamore Senior Center" and "Caregivers of Easter Ohio", but then I thought about old people listening to this music and it made me kind of happy. I imagined them remembering dancing to the songs back when they were young, wearing red dresses and black suits. I should have lived back then.

Tomorrow I am picking a friend up for the airport nice and early, going to yoga, working, teaching a class, and then working some more. Still no word on a "real job", but I'm still okay with that. I've learned that I have no control over it and just need to keep busy in the meantime. So far, I seem to have that part down. For instance, if I go to bed right now like I plan to, I will get a whole five hours of sleep. We'll see how that works out.

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