Wednesday, March 11, 2009

On the road again

Today was insanely busy but productive. I fit in two yoga classes and made my Wednesday coffee date (I think we're regulars now). I have a new hair color (black/red - love it!), new oil in my car (the light came on - yikes), and new music (Mirah's new album, after four years). Tomorrow, I am leaving town for a couple of days and quite frankly, I'm really looking forward to it. Everything has been so busy that I haven't taken a break since I was laid off, and that was almost two months ago.

I'm driving down to visit my Grandma tomorrow. She lives in a big house at the end of a short road in southern Ohio. I love visiting her. She always has great stories to tell, but we are fine just hanging out, too. That can be just as nice as talking sometimes. There is a simplicity to my visits, and a slower pace that I really appreciate. I think that there is something to be said for visits that are so familiar and comfortable that a production and parade are not needed, and a night simply spent in the same room is enough.

I will be driving all around the state during the next few weeks and I have decided to take pictures/videos as I go along, finding the best part of each trip. Picture posts are on the way! Oh, and an important part of every roadtrip: the soundtrack. Tomorrow, I will be accompanied by: Mirah, Beirut, Ingrid Michaelson, and TV on the Radio.

Have a great rest of the week!

1 comment:

Dan Smitley said...

we are very much looking forward to your visit in northern ohio. and now that you mention a picture post i am curious to see what will be included. until then...

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