Monday, April 6, 2009

Shake it anyway

If that doesn't make you want to shake somethin', then I don't know what will. With day two of cold gray skies, I figured we could use a little pick-me-up.

I'll be spending another day inside, thankful for my ability to work from home. I had to call in back-up yesterday to help me work on some code. I've decided that programmers should make tons of money. They earn it. Today should move along a little more smoothly and quickly and the site should launch this week, so I'm really excited. I should also get my business cards at some point today! If they turn out ok, I'll post pictures. If not, you'll just have to imagine some really awesome cards with my name on them.

One of my yoga girls/friends came over for her lesson last night and not only did we not do yoga, we ended up going to her house and having a giant, delicious meal: brownies (yep, first), sweet corn soup with a touch of paprika, amazing salad, steak roasted veggies, and mashed potatoes. It was more than I typically eat in a whole day, so even with a very, very small portion size I was blissfully full. She and her husband make some mighty fine meals and make for some great company. It definitely beat out my plans for dinner, which were looking more and more like ice cream as the day went on (yep, I'm becoming that girl). Oh, and, they have the funniest dog ever.

I might have some exciting news soon, so stayed tuned...

And um, how amazing are these?!

Better get busy - lots of work ahead! Have a great day!

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