Fall is here, in all its cold morning, yellow leaves, misty rains, rolling clouds glory. I'm finding that the awesomeness of the window in my shower decreases with the temperature. Yikes. My poor dog is cuddling up wherever she can. I am literally pulling her cozy, warm little body from one blanket to take her to another. In the mornings, we leave my bed and she curls on my lap while I eat breakfast and check my emails. This works for us both, because she's like a little heater. Still, what a lovely and cozy time of year!
My birthday is this weekend and the parties are being planned. Friday is my big bash. I've met a ton of really great people this year and really just wanted to get everyone in the same place. I'm really just hoping for a fun and peaceful night, regardless of who is or isn't there.
On Saturday, my family and one of my best friends are coming into town. I haven't seen this friend in four years, so you can only imagine how excited I am! I haven't seen my family for a while either, so this is going to be an awesome day. That night, I am having a much smaller and more personal get-together with my really close friends - about 6 people- at my apartment. I'm guessing that Christmas lights, laughter, and lots of delicious food (cake) will be involved!
Until the weekend, there is plenty to keep me busy. Tomorrow morning, I am teaching a yoga class to (are you ready?) a group of tattoo artists! I'm pretty excited. It's way more calm and basic than I am used to, but I'm really excited about working with this group. And, seeing as how a tattoo is in my future, they are probably a good group of people to get to know. Later tomorrow night we are having a movie night at work.
So, I hope everyone is having a great week, trying new things, and staying warm. Oh, and listening to good music. That goes without saying though, right?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
People come and go so quickly

Autumn is here and the signs are starting to show. Cool evenings, earlier sunsets, yellow leaves on the ground. I, for one, have no complaints. It has been raining here for four days now, which means wet socks and a bad hair week.
Change is in the air, and I'm not talking about the weather. Not sure what's around the corner, but trying to stay optimistic. Also, trying to figure out how to adjust to some really bizarre new aspects of my life. Simplicity is really all I wanted. Oh, and sleep.
My birthday is this Saturday and my best friend from high school is coming in. I haven't seen him in four very long and busy years. We have a lot of catching up to do, and I can't wait! I am also trying to plan a trip with one of my favorite people. Some people will always feel like home, no matter where they are. Thank goodness.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Finding confetti for weeks
My update a few nights ago reminded me just how much I've missed this little blog.
In a random chain of events, I was handed two free box seat tickets to see The Flaming Lips. I grabbed my fellow music blogger Blair and we set off for what ended up being quite the show. If you've never been to a F.L. show, I might say that you have not truly seen a show. At least 1/3 of the crowd was in costume, so at one point I found myself between nuns, a penguin, and a fairy. The show included a screen that filled the stage, a giant hamster ball, smoke, streamers, lasers in the crowd, costumes, hype guys, and more confetti than you can imagine (shot out of giant cannons). One of the highlights for me was the little girl sitting in front of me. While I think bringing your three year old to a Lips concert is a horrible idea (those poor little ears!), this kid was awesome. She was totally chill and loved the confetti, showing off a giant smile and laughing.
Saturday was spent volunteering at Independents' Day downtown, which allowed local artists and vendors to play, draw, perform, and sell. I worked the band parking lot, so I got to direct every plaid wearing, ironic side burn sporting, mini-van driving band to their allotted space. From my spot, I was able to hear all of the bands on one stage, so I got to hear some really good music. *side story* Via Twitter, I realized that one girl and I were hitting almost all of the same shows. I made the comment on Friday that we needed to meet up sometime and I kid you not, she is the person I volunteered with on Saturday!*
My volunteer time was followed by an incredible play. Since I help out with a local theater company, I was invited to attend the pre-screening. I plan on writing a more detailed review, but the play was a one man show about "lifer" inmates, victims, and the collision of the two worlds. The white guy who performs all of the roles did an excellent job of capturing each character, from inmate to news reporter, and then bringing them to life. It's also worth noting that he can bust out the Wu Tang clan better than anyone I've seen. At the end, I think we all walked away with more to think about.
Here, about to end a rainy Monday, I am facing a lot of decisions and changes. Soon, I'll be able to talk more about stuff that I haven't been able to on here. Quite frankly, I can't wait. Stay tuned, folks, and have a great evening!
Monday, September 14, 2009
You just brought it on yourself

It's been a while and I do apologize. That's one way for you to know that life is really busy over here, if nothing else.
I'm currently sitting in my apartment with a certain little dog sleeping soundly on my lap. This is how I've spent the past several evenings. She sleeps, I work, and we are both pretty content. Yes, she is living with me now. Unless you are my landlord, in which case I am merely watching her.
We've both been terrorized by the giant spiders moving inside right now. Despite their size, they can fit into the tiniest little cracks. They can also fit into my mailbox, bed, shower, and windows. One of them left a scar on my leg after it bit me, and that is when this got real, folks. I think the official war begins tomorrow, with some sweeping and spraying.
I'm working at a new desk now. I go in when I want, I leave when I want. I never have to dress up (but I do anyway). I work with some really cool people and get to know new people every week. Plus, my projects lately have been decidedly more challenging and fun. We listen to great music, have some really interesting conversations, and help each other out on projects. So far, this has been a great move!
I went on a blind date. It was less awkward than my last two not-blind dates. I'm pretty sure I hate dating.
I got to see Ra Ra Riot up close and personal in an unplugged set today. If they are coming to your city, buy tickets now! They were fantastic. The addition of the strings to any band almost instantly wins me over, but today's set relied more heavily on the violin and cello and it was great. It was one of the only shows that not only made me sad, but made me okay with being sad. That's when you know you are in the presence of good music.
There is so much more I could add here, but that will have to wait. I'm tired and need to layer up before bed. In a mere 7.5 hours I will be sitting in a meeting, hopefully not looking like sleep-deprived and allergy suffering death. Night, all.
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