The peaceful rain in my last post turned to ice, then snow. It's the end of March and I have a bright green, grassy front yard and a white, snow-covered back yard. When you live in Ohio, you just stop trying to understand life.
It was another busy week at work, but changes are on the horizon. I'm meeting with my boss this week to just talk over my workload, performance, etc. One thing I've learned from this job is total responsibility. If I'm doing something wrong, I need to find out what it is and change that. No time for egos or hurt feelings at this point. If someone else is doing something wrong and I don't ask questions or change it, I'm just as responsible. This requires some stressful weeks and tough conversations. Hello, adulthood. I'm hoping that this talk will make these 50+ hour weeks either a thing of the past or fewer in number, at the very least.
Yesterday I spoke to a group of design seniors at my old University. It was a strange thing to go back. It was also a strange moment of realizing how far I've come. Even though I have miles and miles (and miles) to go before I get "there", it's good to know I'm here, far from those scary, naive first years.
This weekend began an impressive week of concerts. Temper Trap put on one awesome show on Friday. Throw water on a floor tom, move like Michael Jackson, and put on a show like that and you have me. Tonight is possibly David Bazan w/Headlights, tomorrow is Joanna Newsom w/Robin Pecknold (of Fleet Foxes), Tuesday is Tegan + Sara, and Thursday is Fanfarlo. And thus ends any chance of sleep or hearing past the age of 30.